tHuman Skills


Transdisciplinary learning is important because it helps create connections by getting the same idea across various lenses with the intention of explaining it in a practical ways that are easy to understand. It is important nowadays that workers learn to solve problems creatively, it is also paramount to understand that there is often more than just one way to solve a problem.


It’s a simple premise: follow the leads that arise from contact with the work itself, and your technical, emotional and intellectual pathway becomes clear.


– David Bayles

Must See Videos

Author: CIRET

Title Introduction to Transdisciplinarity

Short powerful video to release the creative capacity.

Author: Central Saint Martins

Title Becoming Proactive

Former students have a panel style conversation from diffrent perspectives, cultures and acadamia.

Author: JP Cardoso

Title Working Together to Make Things Happen

An easy-going talk about motivation, serendipity and collaboration.

Author: Pro Helvetia

Title The Future of Transdisciplinarity

A look forward into the growing importance of combining different fields.

Interesting Articles

A Transdisciplinary Approach to Student Learning and Development in University settings

Scholarly article and a historical overview.

Science Direct

Characteristics, Potentials, and Challenges of Transdisciplinary Research

Highly technical and very detailed

International School Parent

Transdisciplinary Learning and its Advantages

Discussing the science behing Transdisciplinary learning

Six Lessons from Students About Transdisciplinary Learning

Understanding from the perspective of students and how practical it is.

IO Book Club

About the Book

Author: Basarab Nicolescu

Title: Transdisciplinarity: Theory and Practice

Far from being a faddish and superficial phenomenon.

About the Book

Author: Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn

Title: Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research

21 projext from all over the world present their research approches.

About the Book

Author: Paul Gibbs and Alison Beavis

Title: Contemporary Thinking of Transdisciplinary Knowledge

Transdisciplinary knowledge is in the liberation of new and imaginative understandingof the structure reality fo open social systems.

Let’s Reflect About This

Strong human skills facilitate individuals to influence others positively, socialize easily, and overcome public anxiety. These skills are transferable and allow you to work well with other individuals and organizations.

The transition to the digital future of work is not by acquiring technological skills, or trying to retain those jobs that will inevitably become automated, but by building on those critical, emotional skills that make us human to cultivate a balanced and productive work-life and environment.  As we recognize the qualities that humans hold over machines, we also need to recognize and develop the conditions for those desirable attributes to thrive.


Let’s Grow Together!