Human Skills

Cultural Agility


The ability to comfortably and effectively work with people from different cultures. And that could be any type of culture: national, generational, or professional. 

“Cultural agility is needed anytime an individual is working in an environment that feels new and different.”

– Paula Caligiuri

Must See Videos

Key Principles of Cultural Agility

Author: Lisa Jackson

Learn 5 key principles of Cultural Agility

Video Length: 1:52

Building your Cultural Agility

Author: Paula Caligiuri

Filled with stats and deeper insights from the thought leader in Cultural Agility

Video Length: 58:59

How to Become Culturally Intelligent

Author: Elena Valero-Esquembre

Perspective on Cultural Intelligence from a young student.

Length: 4:22

Cultural Intelligence: The Competitive Edge for Leaders

Author: Julia Middleton

Insights for leaders about Cultural Intelligence.

Video Length: 13:35

Interesting Articles

Why Cultural Agility is a Must-Have Competitive Advantage for Global Leaders

Good relatable examples

People Managment

How Organizations Can Build Cultural Agility

Includes the 5 HR practices to promote Cultural Agility


The science of working with different cultures

Transcript style conversational interview

Matthias Sagger

The Development of Cultural Agility

Academic article packed with scientific studies and figures

Human Skills Book Club

About the Book

Author: Paula Caligiuri

Title: Build Your Cultural Agility: The Nine Competencies of Global Perfessionals

Highly recommended resource for HR perfessionals .

About the Book

Author: Tom Verghese

Title: Cultural Agility: A Practicle Guide for Putting Cultural Intelegence into Action

Helping to get a clearer defenition of culture as a concept.

About the Book

Author: Erin Meyer

Title: The Culture Map

Decoding how people think.

Let’s Reflect About This

Strong human skills facilitate individuals to influence others positively, socialize easily, and overcome public anxiety. These skills are transferable and allow you to work well with other individuals and organizations.

The transition to the digital future of work is not by acquiring technological skills, or trying to retain those jobs that will inevitably become automated, but by building on those critical, emotional skills that make us human to cultivate a balanced and productive work-life and environment.  As we recognize the qualities that humans hold over machines, we also need to recognize and develop the conditions for those desirable attributes to thrive.


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